Dark Souls Meets Loli Anime This game caught my attention on Steam so I bought it and gave it a try. I never expected to die so much in a game that looks this cute lol. It's basically a cute anime version of Dark Souls. It's pretty well polished, and the mechanics are...
Black Desert CBT – HD Screenshots 1920 x 1080, Max Details
Here are some screenshots that I took while playing Black Desert in CBT. All screenshots taken in 1920x1080, max graphics settings.
Tomb Raider (2013) HD Screenshots – Ultimate Setting with TressFX
Here are some screenshots I took from my playthrough of the 2013 reboot of Tomb Raider. All screenshots taken at 1920 x 1080, using the game's Ultimate graphics preset. And yes, despite having an Nvidia GPU, I didn't really encounter performance issues with having...
Dungeon Siege 3 Screenshots
Just finished my Katarina playthrough in Dungeon Siege 3 recently, and I've taken some screenshots along the way. Everything captured at 1920x1080, max details, with 32xCSAA and 8xTrSSAA forced via Nvidia Control Panel.
TERA – Legendary Legacy – Columnarity
Screenshots for TERA's Legendary Legacy weapon skin, Columnarity. This item is usable by Slayers. These are also taken using the MSAA Tweak, as well as post process effects via FXAA Injector.
TERA – Legendary Legacy Item Package – Accessories
Here's a screenshot of the three costume accessories in TERA Europe's Legendary Legacy item package. These items were received as a bonus promo for those who bought TERA directly from Frogster's online store.The accessories featured above are:Red Lash Pirate Eye...
Dead Island – Forced MSAA via Nvidia Inspector
I've finished a playthrough of Dead Island recently, and I just want to share a simple procedure to force antialiasing using Nvidia Inspector.Just go to profile settings, load up your Dead Island profile, and set Antialiasing Compatibility to 0x0000F0C1...
TERA – Antialiasing Tweak with Screenshot Comparison
TERA Online is another game that uses post-process antialiasing on the Unreal Engine. While post-process AA like FXAA is very light on the system, the quality isn't all that good. It also gets worse when there is a lot of movement on the scene.Here's a simple tweak...
Diablo 3 Tweaks – Improve Antialiasing and Enable Ambient Occlusion
If you find Diablo 3's default post-processing antialiasing fugly, then you can perform these simple steps to great improve visual quality of the game. This method uses Nvidia Inspector to force the game to use MSAA (multi-sampling antialiasing) and SGSSAA...
TERA – BAMs (Big-Ass Monsters)
Here are a few more screenshots from last week's Head Start. This set focuses on one of TERA's awesome game features, the BAMs - short for Big-Ass Monsters.You may also like to check out my other TERA content here.