Option 1: For Nvidia GTX 1000 Series Users Go to Nvidia Control Panel Enable Vertical Sync -> Fast Sync Go to Overwatch in-game options, disable V-Sync, disable Triple Buffering, Limit FPS - OFF Make sure you’re using exclusive fullscreen mode, and not borderless...
Black Desert CBT – English UI Guide/Translation
Here are the English Guide images for Black Desert's in-game UI. These are the images that Pear Abyss provides for publishers who are invited to test Black Desert during CBT. So don't ask me about anything, I can't read Korean. :PBe sure to check out my other Black...
Mercenary Online – Nvidia Graphics Tweaks
I've been hooked on Mercenary Online these past few weeks, and as I do with all the games I play, I do my best to tweak the graphics beyond its maximum settings. Unfortunately, API calls to DirectX are hidden as a security feature for this online game, so I can't...
Dead Island – Forced MSAA via Nvidia Inspector
I've finished a playthrough of Dead Island recently, and I just want to share a simple procedure to force antialiasing using Nvidia Inspector.Just go to profile settings, load up your Dead Island profile, and set Antialiasing Compatibility to 0x0000F0C1...
TERA – Antialiasing Tweak with Screenshot Comparison
TERA Online is another game that uses post-process antialiasing on the Unreal Engine. While post-process AA like FXAA is very light on the system, the quality isn't all that good. It also gets worse when there is a lot of movement on the scene.Here's a simple tweak...
Diablo 3 Tweaks – Improve Antialiasing and Enable Ambient Occlusion
If you find Diablo 3's default post-processing antialiasing fugly, then you can perform these simple steps to great improve visual quality of the game. This method uses Nvidia Inspector to force the game to use MSAA (multi-sampling antialiasing) and SGSSAA...
How To Level A Rifle Scope
Leveling a rifle scope is fairly simple, though it requires care and focus to be done properly. It's one of the things that have to be done when mounting to ensure accuracy on your shooting equipment. This holds greater significance to Airsofters using a hop up system...
HD Video Encoding Tutorial: Optimizing h.264/AVC output settings for YouTubeHD using Sony Vegas Pro 9.0
In this tutorial, I will be showing how to optimize your HD video output for uploading to YouTube, or any other video hosting. And by optimize, I mean getting the best quality out of the smallest file size possible. Sure, anyone can dump a 20 Mbps h.264 video on...