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APS SR-2 Custom – Phase 1: Upgrades Complete!

Earlier today I picked up my APS SR-2 from EdGI Custom Works, where I had it upgraded. The great thing about EdGI is, first, he offers world-class custom parts (and by that I do mean world class – high end airsoft snipers all over the world use his upgrade kits). Second, he offers upgrades for virtually non-upgradeable rifles like my APS SR-2; thus turning my field rifle conversion project into reality. And yes, he’s Filipino, woot!

Though I don’t exactly have the time to do in-depth testing right now, I will as soon as possible. I already tested the rifle on stock parts before, and it seems to be accurate up to 50 meters or so; using .32g BBs at roughly 370+ fps (450+ fps using .2g). So yeah, I’m bloody excited to see what this beefed up baby can do, now that it fires at 550 fps using .2g rounds. lol.

For now, here are the current specs and images.

  • EdGI 5.98mm ID 650mm Length Inner Barrel
  • EdGI Barrel Extension (Silencer Type)
  • EdGI Piston
  • EdGI SP01 Spring
  • EdGI Spring Guide
  • EdGI Piston Sear

For Phase 2 I’ll be doing external mods, namely the PRS stock and sniper grip, along with whatever ideas I am yet to come up with. lol.

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